henloworld. maisarah's profile

"Antara 3.0" Kapallorek Artspace, Seri Iskandar.

"ANTARA 3.0 ", Kapallorek Artspace, Seri Iskandar. 
ANTARA 3.0 at Kapallorek Artspace, Seri Iskandar, where seven emerging new media artists, each hailing from diverse backgrounds and artistic mediums, converge to showcase their talent. Among them, my installation stands out, weaving a tapestry of mesmerizing visuals that breathe life into the space.
My work transcends traditional boundaries, employing cutting-edge projection mapping techniques upon delicate mesh frames crafted from humble agricultural materials. This unique choice aligns seamlessly with my vision: a harmonious blend of nature and technology, designed to rekindle society's connection with the natural world.
What sets my installation apart is its ethereal quality—a ghostly effect that makes the artwork come alive, as if spirits from another realm have graced us with their presence. Symbolizing the fading cultures in the wake of rapid human development, my art serves as a bridge between the past and the present. Through digital innovation, I preserve the essence of these distant cultures, using the medium as both an archive and a mechanism for remembrance.
In this evolving digital landscape, my creation not only sparks contemplation on the symbiotic relationship between humanity and nature but also serves as a poignant reminder of our shared heritage. 

it all starts with the ideations.. creations and brainstorming... 
"Antara 3.0" Kapallorek Artspace, Seri Iskandar.


"Antara 3.0" Kapallorek Artspace, Seri Iskandar.
